Sunday, 23 September 2012

Gathering for a good cause at the Canso Causeway

Approximately two hundred people came together on Saturday, 22 September with signs, flags, goodwill and leaflets to hand out to the people in cars and trucks, driving by on the Trans Canada Highway.

The people at the action came from different places in Cape Breton Island, mainland Nova Scotia, (Antigonish, Indian Brook, and Halifax) and Prince Edward Island.

They are all speaking out against the proposed oil and gas exploration, and possible fracking. This commercial activity has been approved by the government for right next to the pristine waters of Lake Ainslie. Lake Ainslie is part of the Margaree River Watershed.

The First Nations leaders who had arranged this event, warmly invited the rest of us to stand with them. Both First Nations and us newcomers are all coming to the same conclusion.. We're all very concerned that this proposed drilling activity will negatively affect the fresh water on our small island.

We are getting to hear about how polluted water can affect the health of the people, animals and plants in a particular area. ie in Indian Brook. At Indian Brook the people cannot use their water for any purpose because of commercial activity. Also, in Colchester County, there are overflowing and leaking pits of fracking water, (industrial waste which contains radioactivity from underground). The company, Triangle, which signed an agreement with the government, refuses to clean up.....
The Peoples of Nova Scotia, who came to the Causeway are looking ahead to the needs of the next generations. Water is sacred. Without clean water there will be no healthy plants, animals or humans in the future.

Our event was a positive coming-together, with drumming, singing, a water ceremony -  some wet eyes, a time to meet and make new friends, a sharing of information and trust. Mist and warm rain, eagles gathering above us...........

"Good energy",     "We're all on the same wavelength", "The divisions are disappearing,,,,,"

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