Friday, 22 March 2013

They Thought That They Would Get Away With It.....

George Bush, Dick Cheyney and Tony Blair are hopping mad! 

They thought that they would be able to con the people and get away with fighting wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other countries. We know that lies were told. We know that war is all about stealing resources.

The good news is that the Peoples around the world are totally supportive of "Whistle-Blowers" Julian Assange and Bradley Manning. These honest people know that the Peoples want the truth. The truth is that there is no need for war. The Peoples are shocked that so many civilians and soldiers have been killed needlessly.

Even though the government leaders (and their friends in the corporations), are twisting the facts and causing more problems around the world, the Peoples continue to speak the truth.

There has been an awakening. and an action on behalf of the Peoples of the world. On May 11, 2012,"The War Crimes Tribunal", in Kuala Lumpur, found George Bush, Dick Cheyney and Tony Blair guilty of crimes against humanity.



The 1%;

The Pope, The Queen, Canadian Prime Minister, Mr. Stephen Harper:
Church Leaders: All Guilty of genocide.


"The Old Boy Network" : Cover up through the ages.

One Pope has gone into hiding - another Pope is trying to cover his tracks and look like a saint.

The 99% are speaking out and demanding that the guilty are to be accused, tried, and punished. This bribery and cover-up all over the world, means that "The Powers That Be" are trying to get away with it again.

The police and the media in UK are trying to keep a lid on this, but the 99% are speaking out. "The Powers That Be" are not going to get away with this.

The Pope and the Queen are incredibly wealthy, and yet they expect people to pay their bills.
The people in positions of power want to cling to their status and high salaries. Therefore they are willing to do what they are told by the 1% of the one percent.

The Wealth of the Pope is unknown.Maybe 10 to 15, Billion dollars, or 3 trillion.

The wealth of the Queen and Prince Charles my reach 500 million, or 33 trillion.

The truth of the matter is, that nobody knows.


Saturday, 16 March 2013

The Answer

Here is the answer to the question I asked in the last blog.

Read it slowly and clearly. Keep an open mind. Don't judge until you have read, re-read and thought it over at some length. Relax. Don't dismiss it.

In main stream media, and in lots of alternative media, the "nature of the beast" is to give you small pieces of information so that you are unable to see the connections that make up the whole.

The "Occupy Movement" almost got it - the 99% can see that the 1% are in charge of everything else in the world and that this system stinks.Why? Why is it that the world is not getting to be a better place?

The Peoples of the world work hard and want the world to be a better place. Something must be preventing this from happening.........

This is because a few rich, who set up this whole system, have used bribery, corruption  and "arm-twisting" in order to keep the 1% in power. (No one wants to give up their status, salaries and influence in society.) So the "Old Boy Network" does what it's told. This appears to include a lot of things that are not good for the 99%, as listed previously.

Hold on, you say. There are the odd scandals, here and there, in one or two countries, but how can you say that there are problems everywhere?

Remember, who are the people who control the "Main Stream Media"? It is "The Old Boy Network" and the "Establishment". The people who run the country and it's corporations, cover its backside very effectively.  After all, they have been controlling the decision-makers, (politicians, judges, banks, "public relations" etc.) for many years. They have been so successful in doing this that they thought they could continue to get away with doing this, for ever...........

We now have the opportunity to see this corruption unravelling in UK with the "falling apart" of the "Old Boy Network", in what started out as being the "Jimmie Saville Scandal".

google "The Jimmy Saville Scandal".  Follow where it leads you. The police in UK and the politicians etc.are under pressure.

This scandal is being controlled as well as it can be "spun", by the UK "Establishment". The "powers that be" are very afraid of loosing their strength and influence.....

The "Jimmy Saville Scandal" came to light in 2012 when increasing numbers of ordinary people spoke out and named members of "Old Boy Network" who had sexually abused them over the past few decades. These "paedophile rings" had previously been protected by other members of the "Old Boy Network". (This is because anyone in a position of power, who has got away with breaking the law, is now open to bribery.) It has been impossible for the people in positions of power to keep a lid on this pot of boiling water. It keeps bubbling and the people are determined that the crooks will be punished and will not get away with it any more.  

With regard to the scandal in UK, in Canada, there are occasional "Main Stream Media", news items in the Canadian newspapers, which focus on well-known "entertainment" characters, or on minor politicians or people now dead.The police are being pushed into digging deeper. They are already totally embarrassed, because of their lack of action in the past.

Abused people, from the 99% are speaking up and demanding recognition, proper trials and punishments for the criminals, "however high up" they are up in society: maybe even including the royal family.........

Now is our opportunity in Canada to demand the same thorough investigationsof similar scandals here and in other countries in the world. (Including Australia, South Africa, Ireland, Scotland, Netherlands, Phillipines, Indonesia, USA, Argentina, etc.)

If you have lived in Canada for some time, you may remember the child abuse scandals here in Cornwall (Ontario), and on-going in BC involving politicians and corrupt First Nations leaders, and the on-going cover-up of abuse by RC priests by Bishops under the Pope's own laws.

If we do not seize the opportunity to clean out this corruption (1%,) we will never have another chance to get things right and make the world a better place for the 99%.

There are good people ready to replace those in power. The 99% (you and me), know that there are uncorruptable people with good principles, willing to serve us. We will get rid of those who are being "controlled" and who are in positions of  power at the present time.

The few families which are in control of the world's physical resources will be told that the 99% will not accept the "status quo" of "business as usual".



There have been some exciting developments recently. Here are my thoughts with some some

Pope Bededict XVI has resigned. (Ratzinger). He is now being protected from persecution "for crimes against church and state". The retired Pope is living in the Vatican. If he leaves this safe area, he is at risk of citizen arrest.
The Queen, the Prime Minister of Canada, the RCMP and other church leaders are also in a similar position. They have been found guilty of "crimes against church and state". This is because of the deaths of approximately fifty percent of all the First Nation Children who died in Residential Schools in Canada.

In numerous countries around the world, the citizens are speaking out about the world-wide problem of sexual abuse, both by the church and by people in positions of power and influence. People are open to bribery. This means that people in positions of power and influence in different countries in the world, can be controlled.

The Occupy, 99% of the people of the world, need to keep pushing for the world to stay alert - to work together in love for the benefit of Earth, life on the planet, the next generations, clean air, water, animals, plants, etc."Joining the dots helps the Peoples of the world to know what is going on."


There is a wonderful and inspirational coming-together of the Peoples of Canada - both the First Nations and other "new-comers". It is called "Idle No More". This "coming together" is being created by women. It is actually happening all over the world, as indigenous people are "social networking" across the globe. Many Peoples are all on the same wavelength. This means that the government and the corporations are at a loss. They cannot "bring down" the majority of the people who voted them into office. There are no leaders - it's just "the Peoples", making their wishes known. The Peoples want to save Earth for future generations. What a simple message!


Living beings are all speaking out against the plans of politicians and corporations who want "business as usual".

The Peoples of the world know that our planet will die soon, if we continue with "business as usual".

The Peoples of the world know that fossil fuels must be left in the ground.

The Peoples of the world turn our backs to the 1%. A simple life, with few needs will enable life on earth to continue.
The Peoples of Earth will work to rid the world of the following evils.


1)   Nuclear war, nuclear energy, nuclear waste (improve human health, reduce cancer and other diseases.)
2)   GMO (Genetically Modified Organisisms) (Stop and cancel all gene splicing.)
3)   Nano technology
4)   Oil and natural gas, or fracking.
The Peoples of the world will fund scientists and will appoint them to clean up and reverse the damage that has been done.

The Peoples of the world will be encouraged see the negative aspects of what is being done by the 1% of the 1%.

The Peoples of the world will be enabled to see the difference between the "science" of the Main Stream Media and the  Alternative Media.

Peoples of the world will be encouraged to think their own thoughts, and educate themselves. (re. medical treatments - main stream and alternative), education, agriculture (organic/conventional - using fossil fuels as sources of "support of the soil", as opposed to compost),
HAARP (weather modification, "chemtrails", weather manipulation/weaponization of space. etc.)


History of the Christian religion.

Between 1452 - 1537 The Popes wrote ancient laws which allowed the Kings and Queens of Europe to travel the world and steal land, etc. from indigenous Peoples around the world.

Here is a short list (some of the laws are in conflct with each other).

1452 - Dum Diversas                             Slavery
1455 - Romanus Pontifex                       Land
1493 - Intercaetera                                 Dividing up of the "New World" between European countries.
            Peiis Fidelium                              Missionaries
1523 - Intra Arcand                                Violence - evangelizing
1537 - Regimeni militantris ecclesiae         Indiginous slavery forbidden