I grew up in the 60's. It was a time of great hope and optimism. I wanted to make the world a better place, like so many other people.Why were we not able to do this? Why have so many negative things happened, and why haven't the people of the world been able to make the world a better place for everyone?
Who is in charge anyway? Surely the majority of the people around the world are perfectly capable of improving the situation ?
There are people who have leadership roles, who are intelligent, knowledgeable and well trained and who are well respected in their different human societies. Why is it that they appear to be unable to make a difference and work for the good of our so-called civilization? (See the next blog).
General comments.......
It appears that decisions are being made by governments in partnership with corporations. Let's think about this.
Citizens/taxpayers/voters choose their political leaders. Our public servants' mandate is to serve the people.
The corporations do not vote for politicians. The mandate of the corporation is to make profit for their shareholders.
So, logically, there should be no relationship between our public servants and the corporations. Any relationship there is should be strictly legislated, "at arms length."Conflict of interest -"The Revolving Door" where leaders move back and forth between being politicians and working with a corporation must be banned.
Whereas: although the people of the world at Copenhagen clearly stated that they want fossil fuels to be left in the ground, and
Whereas: fossil fuel exploration, extraction and "fracking" as well as the unknown quantity of dangerous flaring of dirty gasses, hurts the environment, and
Whereas: the amount of methane gas that is released into the atmosphere at an increasing rate, and
Whereas: the people of the world know that any handling or use of fossil fuels will increase the temperateure of Earth, and
Wheras: the people of the world know that life on Earth will end, unless we stop handling and burning fossil fuels, and
Whereas: The governments and corporations refuse to change, because they do not want to loose thier power, through their control over the Petro Dollar.
Therefore, be it resolved, that the people who care about the environment, and the indigenous peoples of the world who feel responsible for the protection of the Earth, will co-operate and join together to dismiss the corrupt and unrealistic public servants and corporations, and bring back the simple life.
What we need is Love and Trust - not Greed and Fear.
Let us list a few of the things that people know are not good for life on earth:
-war, stealing of resources, manipulation of religion, race and extremism, greed and control.
-nuclear power, nuclear weapons, (nuclear waste, radio-therapy. A waste product from weapons of war.)
-microwave ovens, microwave cell phone towers
-Chemo-therapy (made from mustard gas, another waste made from a weapon of war.)
-fluoride in drinking water (an industrial waste which damages the brain)
- Free Trade Agreements and Investment Agreements. North American Free Trade Agreements (NAFTA}, Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) etc. Secretive deals signed by world leaders without any debate in parliament and without the agreement of the people.
-the weakening of environmental laws, and treaties concerning the indigenous peoples of the world, for the benefit of corporations.
-The United Nations (a corporation) is being manipulated and controlled by the General Assembly for the benefit of the few rich countries. UN being used to create one world government.
-The control of money by private banks not national banks. (Unnecessary high interest and high debt, Manipulation of markets)
-World Bank, WHO, The Bank of Internal Settlements. (A few wealthy families who control the money supply)
-the push for a cashless society, where our spending habits are no longer private.
New Technologies
-light bulbs that give off dangerous gasses (compulsory)
-SMART metres (radiation 24/7 - not for our advantage but for the benefit for corporations, and for government control of who gets to use power and who will have to go without, in the future.
-cell phones which cause brain cancer in young people
-too much electro-magnetic field pollution which causes serious sensitivities, illnesses and possible accidents.
-nanotechnology (Pandora's Box)
-the approval of chemicals into the environment without appropriate testing or monitoring
-Weather control, psychological control, (HAARP, chemtrails containing heavy metals,
-The suppression of:
a) hemp and lupins as alternatives to oil as a fuel, fibre etc.
b) of natural therapies( Codex Alimentarius,)
The push for pharmaceuticals and "conventional medical treatment" i e cancer treatment, as being the only option.
-GM food, (vegetables, grains, fish, milk, cotton etc)
-Fish farms that reduce the ability of wild fish to migrate, through accidental breeding.
-food colours, artificial (chemical) flavours, preservatives, sweeteners
-the democratic, rational Canadian Wheat Board has been scrapped. This change only benefits large corporations.
-Punishment, prisons, no hope for redemption, longer sentences,
-Immoral killings using unmanned killer drones in areas of undeclared war. The use of "proxy" armed groups and paid mercenaries to do the dirty work for another country. To prevent the elite countries from losing their soldiers. They instead play computor games and do not see dead people face to face.
-The breaking of the Geneva Conventions and other United Nations high standards. Manipulation, cancellation and lying concerning well-established Constitutions and laws.
-the government of Canada is not concerned that the Equalization Payments are not being distributed corrected. (NSEF)
-The government of Canada allows the National Energy Board to police itself. Laws are changed so that landowners are given the responsiblity for clean up of rusty pipelines, not the oil and gas corporations. (CAEPLA). NEB has three conflicting roles:
a) effective enforcement (Regulatory Capture)
b) energy development
c) revenue collection
NEB gets 90% of its revenue from industry. ie in 2009 NEB got $52m from industry, out of a budget of $60m. Who's in charge?
-National mainstream news (radio and TV), acts as if it is a propaganda arm of the establishment. Occasionally it spills the beans on a scandal.
-The rich get richer and the poor get poorer - the rich do not invest, just cling to their cash. What are they waiting for?
-The people have asked for proportional representation - those parties in power do not want this as it will be to their disadvantage
Can you think of anything else we can do without?